Thursday, December 27, 2007

Web 2.0, Library 2.0 Perspectives

I've been reading through a lot of articles about Web/Library 2.0 lately. It's facinating stuff. Dr Wendy Schultz's article struck the biggest chord with me. For me, the biggest impact of all the discussion surrounding the future of libraries is that it's all web-dependant. I consider myself to be fairly familiar with internet culture but a lot of the stuff Dr Schultz is talking about seems like sci-fi to me. Some of the concepts she discusses, like "star librarians" existing almost exclusively in an online form, pretty much already exists today, except that they're not trained librarians, they're just people who know how to research the web.

However, still a lot to consider.

Monday, December 10, 2007 and Technorati

I've used before and can't honestly say I can envision ever using it. If you know how to use google, then you'd struggle to justify the amount of time required to set up properly. Technorati is new to me though and looks like somthing I'd quite likely use. The ability to search blogs is becoming a much more important tool these days as blogs are becoming quite commonplace so I see Technorati as filling a niche in information searching.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Blog Post 2

Welcome to my Library. Here at Pugs' Library we are committed to providing the highest level of recreational reading, quality information services and community entertaintment... and aquiring funding to move to new premises.